Our Services

Service intervals are dependent on the application the units are serving.

Deluxe Hydro-Wash Packages

Split System Hydro Deluxe Deep Clean & Sanitise

$149 - Includes,

- INDOOR UNIT - Wash filters + hospital grade treatment that eliminates all viruses including COVID-19, deodorize & disinfect the indoor unit coil and the fan barrel of 99.9% of all harmful bacteria, fungus & mould, clean and sanitise indoor unit panels and louvres. 

- OUTDOOR UNIT - Air blast around the outdoor unit, pull out any weeds, leaves or any obstructions of the outdoor unit coil or condenser fan, disinfect & treat the outdoor unit coil, and wipe down the whole outdoor unit. Please note that we do charge extra if the outdoor unit is on a roof or mounted higher than 1.8m. 

Ducted System Hydro Deluxe Deep Clean & Sanitise

$249 - Includes,

- INDOOR UNIT - Replace the return air filter with premium trade high-quality washable filter media + hospital grade treatment for continual protection against all viruses including COVID-19, deodarise and eliminate 99.9% of the fungus, mould & bacteria in our pressure washing treatment of the indoor unit Evaporator coil, clean & sanitise the return air egg-crate grill, clean and sanitise return air box and as much as the return air flexible duct that is within reach + disinfect all supply air outlets. Please note that we have an extra $20 charge for double-storey homes.

- OUTDOOR UNIT - Air blast around the outdoor unit, pull out any weeds, leaves or any obstructions of the outdoor unit coil and condenser fan, disinfect & treat the outdoor unit coil, and wipe down the whole outdoor unit. Please note that we do charge extra if the outdoor unit is on a roof or mounted higher than 1.8m. 

Filter Treatment Services

Our filter-only service is for our customers who don't need our deluxe cleans but still need their filters replaced by one of our qualified technicians or DIY services.

 We can make you the whole frame or multiple frames with premium treated filter material for DIY or we can come out and replace the filter material using your existing frame. 

Please note that all filters we supply and or install have gone through our hospital-grade treatment process at no extra charge to you.

 This means all our filters have long-term protection that will improve your indoor air quality, improve your air conditioning systems efficiency plus will eliminate the spread of COVID-19 virus, throughout your place of business, or household. 

$80 FILTER DEAL 1 - (DIY) (delivered)

Custom frame with premium treated trade quality washable filter material.

$100 FILTER DEAL 2 - (delivered and installed)

Custom frame with premium treated trade quality washable material. Plus replace your existing frames' old filter material with our premium treated filter material.  1 brand new filter installed & the other stored away for your next filter change. This is our most POPULAR deal for our customers that purchased our Ducted System Deluxe Clean.

$75 FILTER DEAL 3 - (delivered and installed)

Replace the filter media with our premium treated trade quality washable filter material and reuse your existing filter frame.

$40 FILTER DEAL 4 - (DIY) (delivered)

Cut to size premium treated trade quality washable filter material includes spline roller and spline.

$50 FILTER DEAL 5 - (drop-off pickup service) (approx. 30 minutes)

Drop off your return air filter to one of our field agents and we will have your filter media replaced while you wait with our treated premium trade quality washable filter material. 

PH: 0432 613 683   -   filtersrus.team@gmail.com